Monday, October 3, 2011

Thinking About Earning Extra Income?

Never be afraid to attempt what you do not know how to do ... Remember, Noah’s Ark was built by an amateur, professionals built the Titanic.

When extra income is needed, it is time to approach something new and learn how to begin.

Here is an opportunity to join a network marketing company, where there are a lot of benefits available and the potential to generate extra cash flow from the start.

With Nature’s Sunshine you need to know three simple things:
1.Love the products
2.Understand the business plan.
3.Have a vision of achieving success without any doubts in your mind.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Solstic Nutrition



We all know that our bodies require a wide range of daily vitamins and minerals to maintain optimal health. Yet many of us still fail to give our bodies the adequate daily nutrition it needs, simply because the daily demands of work, family and everyday social pressures get in the way of maintaining a balanced, healthy diet.


Even with a healthy, balanced diet it can still be difficult to get exactly the right amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs every day. This is why Nature's Sunshine have formulated Solstic Nutrition - A dymanic daily nutrition drink, power packed with a wide spectrum of 15 vitamins and minerals cleverly combined in one small compact sachet.

Solstic Nutrition has been formulated by Nature's Sunshine's own team of scientific experts and has been created to bring you a great tasting synergist blend, providing 100% or more of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, D, E, biotin and pantothenic acid. The formula also includes vitamin K1, calcium, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, magnesium and zinc.


The vitamins and minerals in Solstic Nutrition are formulated in a way that makes them quick and easy for the body to use. Each sachet contains only 12 calories, no sugar and is low in carbs to support any weight loss programme, and can be easily used at the gym or during outdoor activities. Solstic Nutrition is also suitable for vegetarians.


· Beta Carotene - a powerful antioxidant which helps protect from oxidative stress.

· B Vitamins - for the nervous system, helps to release energy and process proteins and fats.

· Vitamin C - a highly effective antioxidant, helps with the absorption of iron from daily food intake and plays a key part in the production of collagen and other connective tissues. Vitamin C is also important to the health of the cardiovascular system.

· Vitamin D3 - also known as 'The Sunshine Vitamin' plays a vital role in holding calcium in the bones, it is particularly useful as a supplement during the winter months.

· Vitamin K - involved in the building of strong bones and the blood's clotting ability.


· Power-packed with 15 vitamins and minerals in a sugar free formula
· Expertly formulated for maximum bio-availability
· Synergistic ingredients absorb quickly and easily into the body
· Single serve sachet makes it handy to carry in your pocket or bag
· Great nutritional boost when you're on the go
· Can be added to your daily protein or fibre shake
· Suitable for vegetarians
· None of the ingredients in this product contain gluten


Why not add a Solstic Nutrition to your daily Nature's Sunshine SynerProTein or TNT fibre drink mix.

To order Nature's Sunshine's Solstic Nutrition 1 pack (30 sachets) CLICK HERE
To order Nature's Sunshine's Solstic Nutrition 4 pack (120 sachets) CLICK HERE

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Celiac Disease Background and Treatment - Mayo Clinic

Joseph Murray, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist and specialist in celiac disease, offers an overview of celiac disease and its symptoms as well as its diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Murray led a recent Mayo Clinic study of celiac disease, the results of which become public on July 1, 2009. This video provides background and provides context for those study findings.

SynerProTein – High Quality Protein – Low Fat Formula

Dairy Free, Wheat Free, Yeast Free, Cholesterol Free, Gluten Free, and Virtually Fat Free

Thanks to sophisticated nutritional engineering, SynerProTein will help you obtain complete, high quality vegetable protein without the calories, cholesterol and fat of other protein sources.

SynerProTein is one of the most carefully formulated, well-respected protein supplements available today and is designed to provide high quality protein which is dairy free, wheat free, yeast free, cholesterol free, gluten free, and virtually fat free.

SynerProTein contains no milk, eggs, or animal derivatives and is therefore an excellent source of protein for those on a vegetarian or gluten free diet.

      ·         Provides 18 grams of soy protein per serving
      ·         Great source of all nine essential amino acids
      ·         Contains a blend of herbs and cruciferous vegetables that provide important micronutrients

SynerProTein also contains the exclusive SynerPro Concentrate, which provides a rich and wholesome base of fruits and cruciferous vegetables with antioxidant benefits. The soy in SynerProTein is certified to be non-genetically modified. It contains no artificial flavours, sweeteners, colors or preservatives.

Mix one scoop (provided) with  8 fl. oz. of water, skimmed milk or juice. Blend, shake or stir vigorously. Drink one to three servings per day as desired.
To order Nature’s Sunshine SynerProTein Original Flavour Click Here

To order Nature’s Sunshine SynerProTein Chocolate Flavour Click Here

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Zambroza - The Antioxidant Rich Fruit Drink

There are many different types of oxygen free radicals formed in the body as a result of natural chemical reactions necessary for life. These oxygen free radicals are very reactive and can damage most cell structures to cause major health problems, and other age-related diseases.

Excess Free Radicals

Excess free radicals are one of the greatest threats to our health, attacking each cell in the human body thousands of times per day, weakening it and making it susceptible to poor health. Excess free-radicals are also responsible for the effects of premature ageing.


Antioxidants scavenge and neutralise free radicals throughout the body. Free radicals are caused by our own energy production, as well as pollution, environmental toxins, food additives and over processed food.

Zambroza was formulated by scientists who extensively studied ingredients with high antioxidant activity. After careful research, sourcing and testing, the scientists selected the elite of available ingredients and combined them together into a proprietary blend of ten fruits and herbs with an incredibly high ORAC value. This powerful combination of high potency antioxidants are scientifically formulated to protect the body tissues and cells from oxidative damage.

ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) is a measurement that calculates the product's ability to neutralise and 'mop up' free radicals. Independent Clinical Research shows Zambroza has a significantly higher ability to neutralise free radicals compared to competitor products, proving its superior protective properties.

Zambroza, the most powerful antioxidant drink on the market with truly exceptional holistic properties.

Zambroza's special formula is loaded with potent antioxidants, a robust array of bioflavonoids and a range of active plant compounds, called xanthones, that all help to maintain healthy immune, digestive, cardiovascular and structural systems.

Nature's Sunshine has harvested the most healthful fruits and natural extracts from around the world and combined them into this unique delicious, nutritious juice which has been specially formulated to neutralise excess free radicals.

One of Zambroza's ingredients, mangosteen, contains the highest known level of xanthones, a family of plant nutrients which are very powerful antioxidants.


Mangosteen fruit has been a health secret in Thailand for years where it is considered, by many traditional healers, to provide significant health benefits. Mangosteen is one of ten powerful ingredients in Zambroza and together make this unique nutritious drink the most powerful antioxidant supplement available.


Brunswick Laboratories, a leading, independent commercial laboratory specialising in the science of antioxidants and oxidative stress has recently given Zambroza its seal of approval, certifying that each bottle of Zambroza will deliver unparalleled antioxidant protection.

As certified by Brunswick Laboratories, Zambroza is the world's premier antioxidant drink, combining a variety of natural ingredients that synergistically provide health benefits many times greater than the individual benefits of each ingredient. These powerful ingredients help neutralise free radicals and reduce the risk of numerous diseases.

Evidence from data proves that recommended doses of Zambroza are able to effectively quench various forms of free radicals.

Zambroza's synergistic blend of ten powerful ingredients include:

      • Mangosteen                 • Wolfberry
      • Apple Extract              • Blueberry
      • Raspberry                   • Concord Grape
      • Grape Seed                 • Grape Skin
      • Green Tea                   • Red Berry

Zambroza is a powerhouse of antioxidants that help the body fight the effects of ageing, caused by excess free radicals, it helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular
system, restores energy levels, help maintain healthy cell growth and maintains a healthy immune system.
Vital Energy! That's the feeling you get when you wake up in the morning and can't wait to get the day started... and that's the feeling you get when you use Zambroza. Zambroza is a unique and powerful blend of juices that are naturally rich in antioxidants and specially formulated to neutralise free radicals.
Not only will you feel revitalised but these antioxidants have a powerful effect on the health of the skin helping you to look great too.

Zambroza helps to:

- Increase Vital Energy.
- Maintain a Healthy Immune System.
- Protect the Body from Excess Free Radicals.
- Replenish the Body.
- Neutralise free radicals before they have a chance to damage the body.
- Support the immune system.
- Supply powerful nutrients that give the body energy and vitality.

Our research scientists conducted a worldwide search to find the healthiest, life giving foods known to man, and the results of this search are incredible.
After careful research and testing, our scientists found ten elite, nutrient rich foods, highly regarded for their amazing nutritional value. From these foods they created a unique juice blend that not only tastes great but gives your body what it needs to enjoy maximum health and long lasting vital energy.

Take 15ml of Zambroza twice daily. May be mixed with water. Bottle size 458ml

To order a single bottle click here

To order a 4 pack click here

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Cleanse and Protect with Silver Shield

·         Highly concentrated
·         Water Purifier
·         Potent germ barrier and cleanser

Cleanse and Protect

Scientific research is demonstrating that this form of silver has remarkable effects on a wide range of surface organisms.

Research indicates that colloidal silver deactivates the enzymes responsible for the metabolism and multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

When tested in the laboratory, colloidal silver was found to be effective on a wide range of surface microorganisms, viruses, protozoa, amoeba, fungi, and yeasts

General infection control practices and good hygiene can help to reduce transmission of all viruses, including the human swine influenza.

Remember to cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, use a tissue when possible and dispose of it promptly.

It is also important to wash your hands frequently to reduce the spread of the virus to other people, and regularly clean hard surfaces like door handles.

·         Highly concentrated but non-toxic
·         Potent surface germ barrier and cleanser
·         Use as a water purifier as well as topically
·         Acts as an *EPA-approved surface cleanser

Remarkable Effects on a Wide Range of Surface Organisms

Made with food-grade ingredients Silver Shield Gel is manufactured with a patented process called Aqua Sol Technology and uses only the finest particle size colloids to ensure maximum bio-availability and efficiency, providing 24ppm of silver in a clear moisturising gel.

Silver Shield Gel is a potent germ barrier and cleanser. Use it to cleanse and protect hands when soap and water is not readily available

Maximum Bio-Availability and Efficiency

Nature’s Sunshine uses the very latest technology and cutting edge methods that provide you with only the very best quality silver products. Silver Shield Gel contains no alcohol, and is safe for children.

Silver Shield Liquid can be used to cleanse the skin after washing, and after removing make up.

Silver Shield Gel can be applied to the skin and skin blemishes.

Use Silver Shield Gel on dry, flaking skin on the face, hands and feet, particularly between fingers and toes, as a potent topical germ barrier and cleanser.

Use Silver Shield Liquid regularly to clean your toothbrush, which can harbour bacteria. Rinse your mouth with Silver Shield Liquid after brushing teeth to destroy bacteria and freshen breath.

Silver Shield Liquid and Gel Products Can Be Used in Many Ways to Help Cleanse and Protect

Made with food-grade ingredients Silver Shield Gel is manufactured with a patented process called Aqua Sol Technology and uses only the finest particle size colloids to ensure maximum bio-availability and efficiency, providing 24ppm of silver in a clear moisturising gel.

Silver Shield Liquid is an effective water purifier that contains 90mcg of silver per 5ml serving. Colloidal silver deactivates the enzymes responsible for the metabolism and multiplication of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Silver Shield Liquid can be mixed with other liquids such as Nature’s Sunshine’s Liquid Chlorophyll, and Colloidal Minerals, or added to drinks and blends, including Nature’s Sunshine SynerProTein.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Vitamin D May Combat Eye Disease

Vitamin D supplements may ward off vision loss from an age-related eye disease in women younger than 75, research has shown.
Higher blood levels of the vitamin were associated with a significant decreased risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). More ...... on

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Nature's Sunshine's Aloe Vera 100% Pure

Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera is a nutritional storehouse. It contains 200 biological compounds, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, Niacinamide, choline, and 18 amino acids.

Because Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera is so pure it was used in an award winning scientific study which discovered a new polysaccharide (aloeride) providing the immune enhancing benefits of Aloe Vera. Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera is harvested in a special way to avoid the loss of essential vitamins, minerals and other valuable constituents.

The Aloe leaf is hand filleted and manufactured to the
highest standards in the world.

Many companies manufacture Aloe Vera, but many products on the market have lost much of the plant’s benefits due to over-processing. Beware of Aloe Vera juice that claims to have no disagreeable taste. Removing this leaves you with a product that is only 10-15 percent Aloe Vera at best.

Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera Juice can be taken internally with juice or water. For external use, try Aloe Vera Gel. Aloe Vera Gel spreads on quickly and penetrates deeply, leaving no stickiness.

Gene Hale, Managing Director of the International Aloe Science Council stated, ‘heavily adulterated commercial aloe products are common’.

ALOE VERA JUICE. Enjoy the benefits of Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera Juice as a refreshing drink mixed with water or fruit juice. Click here to order Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera Juice.

ALOE VERA GEL. Aloe Vera Gel has the added benefit of Irish Moss extract which makes it ideal for topical use. Apply as desired to moisturise and soothe the skin. Click here to order Nature’s Sunshine’s Aloe Vera Gel.